Dorothy & Genevieve at the Vet

So sorry for the longer than usual time between posts. The past ten days or so have been pretty extreme, from one end of the spectrum to the other. We’ve had a few wonderful rescues, a few very sad passings, some very COLD nights for some of the ducks, a visit to the vet for […]

Lucy with one eye… is a Diamond!

This beautiful angel is Lucy, and she arrived here at the Sanctuary this past Sunday, 2/8/15. I was informed that an elderly couple had found her as a gosling in a field near their home about a year or so ago. They recently moved and left Lucy in the barn for the new owners to […]

Henry Allen Ford

Henry Allen Ford is our latest little rescue. I received a call from Doug yesterday and he had explained to me that a little male Mallard had been living in a drain culvert next to the parking lot at his place of work. Apparently he was attacked by a hawk and had some damage to […]

Clara “Daisy” Ford

Our newest little addition is Clara “Daisy” Ford, who goes by Daisy. I picked her up Wednesday in Utica, where she had been the family ‘pet’ for many months. She was kept in a small area with three walls and a child’s gate to keep her in. She had never been outside since they had […]

Adorable Dorothy

This adorable little head belongs to Dorothy, she was one of several sweethearts that we picked up from Sasha Farms last summer. Strangely, Thursday, while Monty and Dorothy (whom she was named after) were visiting our Sanctuary (dropping …off five more ducks, story on its way) we, by mere coincidence, came across Dorothy sort of […]

Kelsey rescued in a street

This is Kelsey, he stopped by yesterday for a lifetime visit. I received a call from Alex late in the afternoon Friday and he wondered if we would take a duck that was found in the middle of a fairly busy street in Flushing, just north of Flint. Apparently he had been hit by a […]

A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way

  We would like to give a special thank you to Rachael, Karley and Kara, for their beautiful card (and much appreciated donation) and the very kind words, for the passing of Big Joe. They had all known Big Joe from Sasha Farms, where we received him from. They all also volunteered at the Sanctuary […]

Marold from the Brighton Mill Pond Update

Marold had just finished his six day Sulmet solution (12.5%) treatment for Coccidiosis, an intestinal parasite. After three weeks, he is supposed to be on the solution for another six days. He is to remain isolated for the entire time, and it appears that the Master bath is apparently the only place with availability at […]

CALL-ing Ducks: Tiffany, Dean and Rainbow

Three of our precious little Call Ducks – Tiffany (L), Dean (R) and Rainbow (C) taken 10/21/14. All three united after their previous acquaintances all united in Heaven! Rainbow used to hang with Spot and Fergie (yes, that Fergie). Dean used to run with Jan (sounds like a music duo in reverse). They did, in fact, get […]